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WBOS Dance Station

WBOS was the first 50,000 Watt FM All Dance Station in Boston and indeed the country.We were way ahead of our time and had only a skeleton crew that worked day and night and I even took care of selling advertising. Talk about dedication, we had it.The interviews and radio shifts were split amongst three people, myself, Ron Robin and Vinny Peruzzi.

We worked day and night and each of us had other jobs to help us pay the bills as we built the station. Ron was the PD and split that job with me and Vinny and I were the co-music Directors. We had fun and knew when we were doing it that it was different and we were part of history. The hours were brutally long but we didn't mind because we loved what we were doing, loved all the people who were counting on us, loved the club DJs and got to meet and help to break some of the top Artists of that time. Here at a WBOS premier is the late and great Vinny Peruzzi, along with myself and the amazingly talented Linda Clifford. Hope you all enjoy this little peek back into the beginnings of dance music and the launchpad for what it has become today.

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