In a career blessed to have been introduced and associated with so many interesting associations, it’s wonderful to look back at this photo, and reflect on the moment in time I spent with such an incredible breath and diversity of talent housed within each of the wonderful people in this photograph!
Flanked by two of my very closest friends, Steve Abaddo, and Allan Tepper along with a host of wonderful associates such as the lovely Bernadette O'Reilly, who I thank for posting this! You can’t help but smile as you look at this moment in time and simply pinch yourself and grateful appreciation that you were there, living your life at the best time ever.
As you look at this you realize that you can be very loud without saying a word and I think my shirt took the cue to heart and make a statement withstood the test of time. It speaks volumes on my quiet, bashful demeanor and low key existence… yeah right!
Glad to share this with all of you and as I say to every one of the people, I love in my life, remember where you came from when you finally get to where you’re going, because those are the moments you will cherish the most and those of the people that will mean the most to you.
People who support you when you’re nothing and tell you what’s wrong with you without holding back are the greatest gifts you can have in your life, and usually the foundation of what will be a wonderful future , in a lifetime of accomplishment if you also work hard and never take one thing you do for granted.
Life is a gift from above what you do in life is up to you.